In addition to comprehensive, full search services tailored to the needs of each client, we provide the following selection of partial search services:
Strategy Consultations
- We offer pre-search consulting services for position design and description, organizational restructuring and staffing expansion (or contraction).
- We can also provide a search strategy with recommendations on how to conduct a given search.
- This can include target company suggestions, along with other strategic places to look.
- We can conduct research to assess the current talent pool as well as call specific potential candidates known to you or to us.
- We can help clarify goals for the position to ensure buy-in from relevant constituencies and anticipate obstacles and conflicts that may surface during the search.
- We can explore possibilities of filling the position internally, utilizing advertising and human resources and/or outsourcing all or part of the recruiting to a contingency or retained search firm.
- We can discuss the differences between a retained and contingent effort and how and when to use them. Clients who have created a new position, have multiple recruiting needs or who anticipate challenges in recruiting may find pre-search consulting particularly valuable.
Talent Pool Development and Supplementation
- We use our networks, research and other sources of information to identify additional candidates (or initial candidates) to expand and diversify the existing pool. We can provide and evaluate as many candidates as are needed to ensure the likelihood of a successful search.
Market Intelligence
- Market Intelligence provides valuable input into business decisions and is a fundamental part of any search assignment. We can provide targeted market research prior to commencing a search effort.
- Our research can include benchmarking against competitor organizations, salary surveys and compensation benchmarking, determining where the talent pool is, and assisting with organizational structure decisions that may be influenced by the nature and availability of talent.
- We engage in confidential conversations with individuals who have interacted with candidates in a variety of ways and at different points in their careers.
- Our aim is to give a complete and candid assessment of each candidate from multiple perspectives.
- We can also discreetly investigate specific client questions or concerns about the candidates.
Recruitment Training
- We offer consultations to help human resources and line managers determine effective recruitment techniques and strategies for specific searches (typically for mid- or lower-level positions).
- This can include suggesting strategic recruiting tools such as how to write definitive, compelling ads and where best to post them, and identifying potential outsourcing options along with the pros and cons of each of them.
Our Fees
- Unlike most search firms, our fees are not based on a percentage of the successful candidate's compensation.
- We customize a flat fee based on estimated time, effort and results. The structure and terms are flexible, so singular or multiple recruitment needs can be met while managing a cost-effective budget.
- There are no hidden costs and our fees generally are lower than those of both retainer firms and contingency firms.